UNICEF USA Awards More Than $140K to the Young Center

The Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights announces the launch of a partnership with UNICEF USA, which provided a grant of $142,038 to expand the Young Center’s work with unaccompanied and separated immigrant children on the border.

“UNICEF supports Best Interest Determinations for children all over the world, and UNICEF USA is excited to partner with the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights in order to scale up the provision of Best Interest Recommendations for unaccompanied migrant children in the United States,” said Anucha Browne, UNICEF USA’s Chief Engagement, Advocacy, and Global Programs Officer. “A child migrant’s best interest should serve as the primary consideration for any action impacting that child.”

UNICEF USA’s grant will go towards funding a Case Support Specialist staff position that will increase the capacity of the Young Center to take on the cases of more vulnerable immigrant children in Harlingen, Texas, a city near the U.S.-Mexico border. Young Center’s case support specialists, attorneys, and social workers, along with bilingual and bicultural volunteers, are appointed as Child Advocates to children in government custody. By advocating for their best interests and fighting for their safety, well-being and human rights, the organization serves as a trusted ally for children while they are in their immigration proceedings.

“The Young Center is thrilled to partner with UNICEF USA on this critical work. Collaborations like this are essential, especially now, when children face near constant obstacles.” Young Center Executive Director Maria Woltjen said about the support from UNICEF USA. “This generous grant from UNICEF USA will allow us to advocate for the rights and best interests of many more immigrant children who are on their own, separated from all they know.”

Young Center